Hi Loves!
Can you believe that January is almost over? Sheesh! Where does the time go? Anyway, just wanted to check in and see how the new year is treating you all so far. How are those intentions, or resolutions going? Did you get started? If not, what’s holding you back?
This is the first year that I finally feel like I am being a little more reasonable about the things I want to accomplish.
Typically, and you guys know how it goes; we want to do it ALL in the new year. Get up early, go to gym every day, read, meditate, meal prep, declutter, stay organized, etc, etc, etc. And of course by week 2 it’s down the drain, because quite frankly it is overwhelming. And way too much to tackle all at once.
I mean thinking on previous years and thinking of how quickly I gave up, it’s no wonder. There aren’t even enough hours in the day to do it all.
As I mentioned in a previous post, I decided to set daily intentions (rather than make resolutions) and take small bites in order to accomplish what I would like in this new year. I’ve also made it a point to be kinder to myself when I don’t come through on those intentions. Sometimes, actually, most times we are too hard on ourselves.
Like think about it, if a friend came to you bummed out because after dieting for a few weeks they haven’t lost any weight or they went out and stuffed their faces with the best pasta ever! You don’t turn around and say, “OMG! You’re such a fat-ass! You’re never going to lose weight eating like that!”
(At least, I hope you don’t say that!! LOL). Chances are you may say something like,”Listen it’s ok. Just start right back up again.” or “You deserved that meal, you’ve been great so far!”
Right?!? So why can’t we do the same for ourselves? Kind self-talk and forgiveness go such a long way.
So I wanted to share some tips that are helping me tackle those bigger goals for this new year without feeling defeated.
- Organization – I need structure and visuals to help me so the first thing I did was purchase a really cool dry erase wall calendar (from Burlington Coat Factory for a mere $14.99). It sits on the first wall that I see on the way to the bathroom in the morning. I also added a small dry erase board next to it. The calendar is a snapshot of my month. I write everything there, when I go to gym, work schedule, appointments, birthdays.
Got this bad boy at Burlington Coat Factory On the dry erase board, I write three things I am grateful for each day and a daily mantra or intention. I get to see those several times as I walk back and forth and get ready in the morning. I also picked up a cute planner by Create & Cultivate (from Target) in which I can jot down my To Dos List, my mantra (again), see my month and week at a glance, create vision boards, etc. I found that I had too many tools and wasn’t using any of them. For some people technology works best so they use their phones, I need pencil and paper.
In the self care department its as simple as applying a facial mask a week and sitting in silence while I wait rather than trying to clean the kitchen or bathroom. I mean the cleaning defeats the self care, right? So pick up some facial mask sheets (so easy) and set a day of the week for when you’re going to do it (on your wall calendar or in agenda). Self care also includes going for a mani and/or pedi, taking a nap once a week, going to therapy. Pick one and and stick to it!
- For my fitness goals I am committing to doing something physical for at least 30 minutes a day to begin. That could be the gym, yoga, or some sort of a fitness challenge (there are tons on Pinterest that can be printed and posted where you will see first thing in the morning.)
- Finally, I chose one HUGE goal for myself in 2020-2021. I want to get my yoga certification. I’ve been toying with yoga for a while now and I would love to teach it. The challenge is that the yoga certification program here in the US is long and requires a huge time commitment. Because I know myself and how easily distracted I can be. My plan is to go complete the certification abroad somewhere.
Some of the programs I am looking at are in Tulum, Costa Rica and Bali. The program itself is less expensive than here, but I do have to incur the cost of housing while there, but for as little as two weeks! Winning. In preparation for that I have committed to starting with minimum of two classes a week and and reading a related book a month (currently reading Living Your Yoga by Judith Hanson Lasater) . Definitely manageable, more than trying to get to hot yoga 5 – 6 times week, like I’ve tried in the past.
Most importantly, you can have a huge vision for 2020, just tackle it one week at a time.
And that’s it for now. It’s what I feel is manageable for ME. It could be that you may be able to take on more or less at the beginning of the year. And that’s fine. For me, I rather start small and build up as the year progresses and as my level of commitment increases. Rather than start big and then drop everything because I just can’t keep up.
And well, when I stumble and fall, I dust myself off and start anew, because in the end it’s not quantity that counts it’s actually quality. So if I can do a 30 minute yoga session at home, in which I am totally present, instead of a 90 minute hot yoga session in a studio that is so hot I can’t think of anything but it being over, then the 30 minute it is.
Well, my loves I hope this helps and I hope as we wrap up January, you continue to stay strong, adjust and readjust if needed and keep getting back up on that wagon!
Thanks for stopping by! Remember to like, comment (my fave), and share!!!