Who loves hotel living more than me??? Nobody! I love a huge comfy bed with plush down comforters and too many pillow Room service. A mini bar!!! Okay!

Recently, I visited The Time Nyack Hotel in, of course, Nyack, NY. This hotel is under 10 miles from northern NJ and 25 miles from Manhattan. I was greeted by such a wonderful staff starting right at the front desk where I was given a brief rundown of everything available at my fingertips.
This luxury, boutique hotel offers a blend of eclectic, chic, old world vibes that have been brilliantly woven together in what used to be an industrial building. When you enter through those oversized red doors, you step into a whole other world. At least that’s how it felt for me!
Considering the year, we have been having and difficulties traveling due to this pandemic, a short get away is exactly what the doctor ordered!
The Time Nyack was everything and more and offers so many amenities while maintaining a safe, healthy environment adhering to Covid guidelines. Throughout the hotel, guests and staff are required to wear masks and hand sanitizers are placed for easy access.
The hotel offers so many different spaces from the various sitting areas to the warm and cozy bar offering an extensive list of cocktails and wines. I enjoyed lunch at The Grille that offered American modern fare for lunch and dinner to satisfy every palate. They also offer an outdoor space during warmer weather and over 5,000 sq. ft. of event spaces.

I rounded out my night by heading to the bar and enjoying a charcuterie board with a glass of wine. Or two. Chatted it up with some locals who were enjoying some drinks, someone passing through on business, a group of 20-year olds who entertained us with a photoshoot. I wish I had known I could lay on the huge farm style high-top for some photo ops! Oh! and don’t forget the handsome bearded, red headed guy who shared his thoughts about the atrocities of bars closing so early these days. I couldn’t have agreed more.
After having one more glass of wine than I wanted (of course) I headed to my room! Let’s talk about these rooms. Who can bring together black and white abstract wall paper, velvet aqua floor-to-ceiling drapes and crystal chandeliers to create the most elegant space there is? The Time Nyack! That’s who. Did I mention my balcony with views of the Hudson River???
You guys don’t even know. Check out their website https://www.thetimehotels.com/nyack/ for booking information and read about all the amenities offered and how the staff is keeping everyone safe.
The Time Nyack is a truly gem waiting to be discovered!!! Just because you can’t go everywhere, you can go somewhere. What better place than the Time Nyack where any time there is guaranteed to be part of a life well spent!
Thank you for stopping by! Go check out my Instagram so you can see all the beautiful content from this hotel!