A Year In My Life as A Flight Attendant…or Stewardess…whichever you prefer…Part 1

Hey my Loves…

It has been quite some time! But here I am. Did you read this title?  Many of you have asked to tell my story about becoming a flight attendant! So here I am!

Let me just say “WHAT A RIDE IT HAS BEEN!” Literally!  As some of you know I used to be a teacher.  Don’t ask.  LOL  I was an elementary teacher for about 15 years.  Then I worked as a literacy coach for two years (beginning of COVID19). A little insight into my teaching career, the last few years of teaching I kept looking for/wanting ways out (Not because I hated teaching, I just wanted to grow and do more with my experience.  I would apply for different opportunities within the district and nothing ever panned out.  With every let down and new opportunity (I changed jobs three times in less than 3 years),  I just became more and more disenchanted with the teaching profession.  My last year and a half in education I found bliss.  I was working as a literacy coach in the public school system and I loved. it.  I was supporting teachers and students, creating literacy environments where kids were thriving, it felt like I had found my calling.

And then COVID hit and I was out of a job as teachers went virtual.   I spent the shutdown looking for alternative teaching positions…charter schools, state job, curriculum writing; but every interview felt like I was prepping for my thesis AGAIN…there was so much involved to present a 15 minute virtual lesson to invisible students.  I remember doing this one time in my living room and stopping midway and telling the interviewer, “Listen, I’m going to pass on this position” shutting off my computer, pouring myself a glass of wine and feeling like a weight was lifted.  I knew then I didn’t want to do this anymore!

For a couple years prior to the demise of my teaching career, I had applied several times to the airline industry looking for a part time opportunity.  I have always been passionate, I mean PASSIONATE about traveling and customer service and thought it would be a great way to supplement my income (Cuz as much as y’all think teachers make tons of money…um..NOT!

So yes when I looked at the pros and cons of leaving a profession that might give me retirement stability versus taking a risk and pursuing a passion…I chose a passion.  Something I may have failed at, but I was going to take that risk anyway.

I was supposed to participate in a 5 week training that became 6 because of Hurricane Ian! This type of shit only happens to me, I swear.  When I finally graduated from, it seemed my closest family, mom, brother, kids were so proud of me.  I felt so loved and worthy.  But somewhere along the line, I guess I started to lose my luster and I kept hearing things like:

“When are you going back to teaching?”

“Sometimes we have to go to work at a job, even though we don’t like it.” (from the person that owns her own business.)

“Just suck it up,  you’re struggling financially, go back to teaching.”

And I am not going to lie, I was struggling.  BAD!  I took a 50% pay cut to pursue my passion.  I was depressed, felt desolate wondering how at 53 (back then) I was going to survive emotionally and financially.   I felt like I was letting my family down, disappointing my mother and on and on. When I added up most of my expenses- rent, car payment, car insurance, cable internet, cell phone, credit cards and just the expense of living –  I was deep in a hole. The deepest of holes that spiraled me into the deepest of depressions.

But every  time I got ready for work I kept telling myself you got this.  Keep going!  You’re not the first nor will you be the last to make a career change.

So here’s the thing, I am one to never say never because from personal experience I myself have gone back to shit I said I’d never do (relationships for one). But when it comes to teaching, I just was not into it.  I was doing an injustice to those kids and to me.  I went into teaching with the purest of intentions because someone said to me quote unquote, “You should be teaching. Go make a difference.”  I was also told,  “How are you going to motivate your ‘girls’ to go to college, if you never went?” And so I got suckered into the dream.

But what people failed to tell me was how much bullshit red tape there is involved in education.  My first district I was denied tenure because my principal decided one day after two years that she didn’t like me.  I was outspoken, I refused to be bullied into changing grades, I stood my ground.  Second district I worked in was being investigated for test fraud and the administration was literally a joke.  Third district, I finally found a position I loved and an administrator who was absolutely amazing, but I couldn’t grow because it was all about who you knew and whose ass you were willing to kiss.  I got tired.  I went into education because I was convinced I would “make a difference”. What I didn’t realize in my naivety is that there is more red tape and politics in education than the White House.

And I just quit.  Kill me.  I went from a high powered, intense, stressful and depressing profession to one that I was passionate about and I loved, even if I was a little, maybe a lot, underpaid.

Now here’s the catch guys.   Nobody ever tells you that in pursuit of happiness it may get real ugly,  dirty,  and depressing.  Just a quick disclaimer or warning.

But sometimes, we have to let go of the life we thought we were told to have and chase the life that we want.  I love FLYING.  I put on that uniform with so much pride, I walk through the airport with my head high.  I love comforting people who are afraid of flying, assisting the elderly, giving out wings to little kids and seeing how their face lights up.

It has not been easy.  I’d be lying if I said it has.  But it has gotten better and I’m still here standing with a roof over my head, clothes on my back, seeing wonderful cities, meeting amazing people.

I am working in an industry that lets me shine and makes me excited for the future!!!

Stay tuned for part 2.

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