Hey my Loves… It has been quite some time! But here I am. Did you read this title? Many of you have asked to tell my story about becoming a…
Happy New Year my loves! I hope that this year has started off on a more peaceful and kinder note than last. We took a serious beat down last year…
Who loves hotel living more than me??? Nobody! I love a huge comfy bed with plush down comforters and too many pillow Room service. A mini bar!!! Okay! Recently,…
Hi my loves, I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving even if it was a little different. You know every time I sat to write this blog, I kept…
I’ve been reflecting on this quarantine and all that has happened in my life since March 13th. I want to tell you why I think – no, I know –…
Hi, My Loves∼ Wow! We are in December!!! What the beejuz!!! Why is time whizzing by so fast?? I mean why is that? July went by so nice and smooth…